
5 Reasons You Are Not Getting Results From Social Media

Blog, Facebook, Linked-In, Location Based Services, Social Media, Twitter, Uncategorized

Not getting the results from your Social Media relationships? Where did you go wrong? Before you throw the towel in on your quest for a Social Media love affair here are 5 ways you can stop spinning your wheels and produce the spark that will ignite your Social Media campaign.

1. TARGET PRACTICE– May seem a simple question but many businesses have no idea the answer to one of the most important question in Social Media Optimization (SMO): Where is my online target market?

Too often businesses are spreading themselves across too many different social platforms instead of engaging within the networks that are most important to their marketing goals. If you continue to spread yourself too thin your efforts will go unnoticed and unrewarded. As with any relationship in order to achieve a bullseye you need to be committed. Remember–even Cupid has been known to miss on the first try but dedication and the desire to succeed always prevails.

2. YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME–  Why should your target market care what you have to say when you don’t even take the time to listen to what they have to say? Stop, listen and hear what your audience has to say about you, your company, your product and their prospective. Use this to your advantage to produce content that speaks to your audience, provides a solution or simply acknowledges their feedback.

3.  IT’S LIKE YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW ME- As with any relationship not every person reacts or interacts the same way.  In order to have a successful relationship with your target market you need to know what they will do and most importantly what they won’t do in terms of engagement. From Creators and Critics to Followers, Observers and Inactive types each target market is different. If you have a target market that is not very active or lands in the Inactive category than why would you ask them to take polls, submit a story or enter a video contest? Being receptive to your target market’s needs will strengthen your relationship and your brand.

4.  THERE’S PLENTY OF FISH IN THE SEA- Why is what you have to say any different or more profound than the next person or company? In the sea of Social Media you are just a small fish in a school of competition .  Standing out and most importantly apart from your competitors is imperative. So stand up, be witty, conversational and personable. Create original content that is compelling and warrants attention.

5. HOW TO GET TO HAPPILY EVER AFTER–  If you don’t know where you are going then how do you know when you get there? Having clear, concise goals will fuel your initiatives and provide you with a blueprint to a successful Social Media relationship with your target market. Remember that mapping the goals is just half of the equation; tracking, monitoring and tailoring your efforts are what will get you to your much deserved destination of Happily Ever After.

Comments: 2
  1. Edward Durkee / November 18, 2010 at 11:30 am

    As always, LMS, you never cease to amaze me. Thank you for your help, assistance, and advice over the years. I look forward to our continued relationship for many, many years.

    • LMS / November 18, 2010 at 1:10 pm

      The pleasure is all ours Mr. Durkee! We look forward to many more years successful years to come!
